Book suggestions
Here you can find our top book recommendations to help facilitate your healing process. Please know this is an ongoing list that we will continue to add to. Furthermore, these books are just suggestions as we know everyone has a unique grief and personal healing journey. We pray some of these books will be cathartic in your healing journey.

I will carry you by: angie smith
"In 2008, Angie Smith and her husband learned through ultrasound that their fourth daughter had conditions making her "incompatible with live" Advised to terminate the pregnancy, the Smith's chose instead to carry this child and allow room for a miracle. That miracle came the day they met Audrey Caroline and got the chance to love her for the precious two-and-a-half hours she lived on earth"

Loved baby by: Sarah philpott
"Close to one in four American women experience the silent grief of pregnancy loss. Loved Baby offers much needed support to women in the middle of psychological and physiological grief as a result of losing an unborn child through miscarriage, stillbirth, or ectopic pregnancy loss."

Grace Like Scarlett by: Adriel Booker
"Though one in four pregnancies end in loss, miscarriage is shrouded in such secrecy and stigma that the woman who experience it often feels deeply isolated, unsure how to process her grief. Her body seems to have betrayed her. Her confidence in the goodness of God is rattled. Her loved ones don't know what to say. Her heart is broken. She may feel guilty, ashamed, angry, depressed, confused, or alone"

Anchored by: erin cushman
One in four pregnancies end in devastating loss. Grief hits like a tidal wave, as endless questions batter your soul. Why me? How could God allow this to happen? Did I do something wrong? Where is my baby now? How can I survive this?
Anchored invites you to grieve in an honest and faith-filled way. With personal stories, season insight, and gentle questions."

When God Doesn't fix it by: Laura story
"Worship leader and recording artist Laura Story's life took an unexpected turn when her husband, Martin, was diagnosed with a brain tumor. Their lives would never be the same. Yes, with God all things are possible, but the devastating news was that no cure existed to restore Matin's short-tern memory, eyesight, and other complications."

Hope in the dark by: Craig groeschel
"Groeschel explores the story of the father who brought his demon-possessed son to Jesus, saying, "I believe! Help my unbelief!" In the man's sincere plea, Jesus heard the tension in the man's battle-scarred heart. He healed not only the boy but the father too, driving out the hopelessness that had overtaken him. He can do the same for us today."